All California superior courts have legal help available to people who do not have lawyers and are representing themselves. The following list provides links to self help resources from the local Superior Courts and the California State Court.
Alameda County Superior Court Self-Help Resources
San Francisco County Superior Court ACCESS (Self-Help)
Contra Costa County Superior Court Self Help
Contra Costa Superior Court Virtual Self-Help Law Center
California Courts Online Self-Help Center
National Center for State Courts, Court Technology Bulletin, Self-Help Information by the Courts in 2021 (Dec. 16, 2021) -- A list compiled in mid-December 2021 of multiple state court self-help resources
The National and California Bar Associations also provide reliable information about self-help resources.
Public Law Libraries provide provide access to legal information and research services to the members of the local community.
The California county law libraries have an excellent website that provides a searchable list of law libraries organized by county. The website also provides helpful content and useful links. It contains a Virtual Classroom with free classes from law libraries around the state. Additionally, there is a live chat that allows you to chat with reference librarians, available weekdays from 8:30AM to 6:00PM, and 9:00AM to 5:00PM on Saturdays.
Local public law libraries also provide a variety of legal research resources and are staffed by reference librarians who can provide reference assistance. The libraries may also hold classes and workshops that may provide you with information about resolving your legal issue. Additionally, each library's website contains helpful information regarding library services, legal research, and links to legal resources. Check the library's website to get a description of what services the library provides and days and hours. Here is a directory of California libraries with links to their websites and phone numbers.