A number of online companies are aiming to make legal services accessible and affordable to middle-income earners, including consumers who never have interacted with a lawyer before. These sites offer services that include customizable legal documents, access to legal resources such as case law, free legal advice from attorneys, and help finding the right lawyer. They are most useful for common legal issues such as bankruptcy, divorce, landlord/tenant, car accidents, and estate planning.
Abogado.com - Brinda noticias legales, información y recursos relevantes a consumidores y abogados. A ThomsonReuters service.
Avvo - Free legal advice and help finding a lawyer.
Findlaw - Explanations of the law on a number of legal topics, and help finding a lawyer.
Justia - Free case law and other free legal resources, and help finding a lawyer.
Lawyer.com - Use online form or speak with a specialist for help in finding a lawyer.
LegalMatch - Guides on how to find the right lawyer, and help in finding a lawyer.
LegalZoom - Create custom legal documents online that are reviewed by document assistants.
Rocket Lawyer - Create custom legal documents online, free legal advice, and help finding a lawyer.