Some reports from 1849 to 1970 were published in an Appendix to the Senate and Assembly Journals:
To see if the Law Library has any hearings or reports that pertain to a bill, try advanced search—
search Author field for Phrase: California. Legislature. Senate [or Assembly]
AND Author field for All words: committee judiciary [term from committee name]
search All fields for All words: California Senate [or Assembly] committee transportation [term from committee name]
AND All fields for Any words: report hearing
Date: hearings are often held a year or two before a bill is introduced, so use date limits several years before and after the date of the bill.
Topic words: "+ Add new line" to the search template, and add to your search ...
Prepared by the Assembly Office of Research, this nonpartisan analysis of each bill may include committee digest, comments, fiscal effect, and amendments. Frequently, this will be the only place to find committee reports, and only covers bills from 1975-2002, only available in microfiche (Micro Room, LL205, Case L, Drawer 2).
To find specific titles/dates for searching the Law Library Catalog (by Title, use "contains exact phrase") :