Introductory texts that explain a topic of law in a straightforward manner, including:
Study aids can help you prepare for class and exams—review and reinforce class instruction, complement and elucidate your readings, support your class preparation and outlining for review/exam prep. Ask professors if they have any specific recommendations. (For sample exams from prior Berkeley Law semesters, you can also check the Library's exam database.)
The online products covered in this guide are accessible via proxy/VPN access for Berkeley Law affiliates and/or with individual registration (some are also available to Law Library visitors without individual registration via library computing terminals).
Publishers offer study aids for various tasks/modes of study, covering many 1L and upper level topics, and in formats for different user preferences. The rest of this guide offers tips for exploring the study aids available via Law Library collections and subscriptions ...
Specific study aids from the various types, brands, and formats carried by the Law Library, for each 1L required course topics