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Study Aids: Subscription Info

Access and Registration for Study Aid Collections

Aspen Learning Library: includes the popular Emanuel outlines, Examples & Explanations series, Glannon Guides, and others; the publisher offers this comparison chart of their series geared towards the beginning, middle, and end (exam period) of the semester. (Use UC Berkeley network, such as eduroam or a law library terminal, or access remotely with CalNet authentication.)

CALI (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction): online lessons and tutorials covering over 30 legal topics including sections on 1L through upper level 2L and 3L courses. (See CALI registration - CalNet authentication req'd for setup, access via individual password thereafter.)

Lexis+ Law School Resources: Includes Case Briefs and BARBRI Outlines for most 1L and several upper level doctrinal courses. (Use your Lexis+ login; registration info was provided at the beginning of the year when you started at Berkeley Law).

LexisNexis Digital Library study aids: includes the Understanding and Questions & Answers series. Login with CalNet, click to "Browse library" and select the Study Aids collection. (CalNet authentication req'd).

West Academic Study Aids: 500+ titles including Nutshells, Hornbooks, Concise Hornbooks, Gilbert's and Black Letter outlines series, Acing series, Exam Pro series, and Career Guides; plus two streaming audio collections, Sum & Substance and Law School Legends. (Use UC Berkeley network, such as eduroam or a law library terminal, or access remotely with CalNet authentication; for interactive Q/A features, highlighting/notes, etc., create individual account from a campus network).

Additional study skills/law school success resources

ASP: The Academic Skills Program at Berkeley Law exists to support your success in law school, and they list Online Resources (including information on the online study aids covered in this guide) with tips and tools for law school success.

Bloomberg Law:  The Law School Course Resources toolkit offers tips on Class Preparation such as "How to Outline," "How to Use Study Guides," as well as links for database resources relevant to First Year, Legal Research & Writing, and Advanced Courses. (Individual password needed—see registration instructions.)

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