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SelectedWorks - Author pages: Frequent Questions

This guide provides basic information about SelectedWorks pages. It discusses inclusion in the Berkeley Law SelectedWorks gallery and tips on getting started.

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What is the difference between SelectedWorks and Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository?

  • SelectedWorks is an online space for faculty to manage their own personal collections of their scholarly work. The Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository is managed by the Berkeley Law Library and promotes the collective scholarly work generated by specific authors associated with Berkeley Law.

Who is eligible for a Berkeley Law branded SelectedWorks page?

  • Authors who are currently included in the Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository as 'Berkeley Law Authors' may choose to list Berkeley Law as their institution in order to get a Berkeley Law branded SelectedWorks page. 
  • In the current stage, participation is limited to tenure track and non tenure track faculty members as well as other longer term faculty members. 
  • If you listed Berkeley Law as your institution and believe you should be eligible for inclusion but your institutional affiliation was removed, please contact Joe Cera.

Do I need to be affiliated with Berkeley Law in order to create a SelectedWorks page?

  • Anyone can create a SelectedWorks page. The branding will change to match the Berkeley Law SelectedWorks pages if an author lists Berkeley Law as their institution. If inclusion is inappropriate at the current time, the instution will be removed and the author will have a general SelectedWorks branded page. Unapproved authors are still able to maintain a SelectedWorks page without the Berkeley Law branding.

What is 'collecting' materials?

  • Collecting materials from bepress structures allows an author to reuse any full-text article that currently exists in any bepress repository. This process saves time so the author doesn't need to enter all of the information independently. Collecting materials will also keep download statistics more manageable since there will be fewer copies of the same paper across repositories and SelectedWorks pages.

Why do I have two (or more) download counts for the same scholarly work?

  • Authors will receive a download count for each full-text copy of scholarly work that exists in the bepress system. If multiple repositories have uploaded the full text of a scholarly work, there will be a download count for each separate copy. If the work exists in a repository and an author uploads the work to their SelectedWorks page, the copy on the SelectedWorks page will add a separate download count in addition to any other counts that already exist.

Changing institutions?

SelectedWorks pages can be transferred to other institutions. If an author is coming to Berkeley Law from another institution or departing Berkeley Law, changing the institution associated with the SelectedWorks page will update the appearance but not the information. The data on the SelectedWorks page is unique to that page. That means that changing affiliation will change the appearance of your page but not the information it contains. The effort put in won't be lost since the information remains associated with the unique URL.

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