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Consumer Protection Law: Consumer Law News

Current Awareness Sources

Newsletters and email alerts keep you up to date on trends and developments in case filings, legal decisions, regulatory action or other agency actions.

  • Law360 > Consumer Protection—Journalism and legal insights on recent case, statutory, and regulatory developments, plus expert analysis by practitioner contributors from large law firms nationwide. Also viewable in Lexis+: click on the 9-dot "Open Product" menu, select Law360, click on "See all sections" and choose Consumer Protection. To set up newsletter alerts, click Newsletters, add your address and select topics to receive.
  • Lexology > Consumer Protection—Latest updates from law firms and practitioners around the world, filterable by jurisdictions including United States, California, and other states (note that access to LexologyPRO content is not sponsoredby the law library). To receive email updates, register a free account (not LexologyPRO), go to the Consumer Protection research hub and click the "+ Follow topic" button.
  • NCLC Newsroom—Recent and archived news releases and articles from the National Consumer Law Center, a non-profit dedicated to helping consumers and advocates. For emailed updates, use the Subscribe button under "Sign up for our newsletter" (no cost).

Off-Campus Access to Emailed Links

Emailed/newsletter links from subscription services like Law360 are not always configured for off-campus access, so be sure your browser is set up (check the Proxy/VPN access instructions under "EZproxy") and add a browser bookmarklet (under "A Licensed Link Didn't Work!") to use if you hit a paywall or login request when clicking through on an emailed link for a full-text article.

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