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Computing Guide: Adobe Creative Cloud

A guide to computing at Berkeley Law.

ACTION REQUIRED: License Expiration

Current Adobe licenses will expire August 16th, 2024. Click here to renew or request a new Adobe license.

Adobe Creative Cloud

UC Berkeley provides all students with subscriptions to Adobe Creative Cloud (including Adobe Acrobat) for free. Students wishing to install and use Adobe Acrobat or other software from the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite will need to request/activate a new Adobe license from the campus software team via the automated link first before trying to install and use the software.

For more information or to submit your request for an Adobe license, visit the campus Adobe page.

This software is provided and managed by Campus IST, not the law school. While we can help walk you through the downloading and installation process, we cannot provide the software to you ourselves, nor can we answer some account-related questions. For these questions, you need to contact or reach out to Campus IST.

Obtaining the software

You must submit an activation request for an Adobe license to the campus software team and the system will automatically issue you a license. Step-by-Step instructions for the Adobe request and installation process are available here.

Important notes:

  1. UC Berkeley students do not need to purchase Adobe Creative Cloud apps! - If you attempt to log into new or previously-installed Adobe apps without requesting a license from campus first, you may see options to "Try" or "Buy" products from Adobe. Do not purchase the software! Instead, go to the Adobe Software page to request your free license.
  2. There may be a four-hour wait time after you request your Adobe license! - While the process has been much faster recently, it could take up to four hours after the request has been made before you will see your new license displayed in Adobe. You can check the status of your license plan by logging into your account via the web at

Help & Support

Email computing staff at

Chat with computing staff HERE during remote support hours.

Walk-in support available at the law library front desk (labtechs).

Lab Hours

The computer lab is open (to Berkeley Law students only) whenever the Law Library is open (but not during the Main Reading Room-only hours). Please consult our hours here or reach out to us through email or chat for technical assistance.