UDAR and the IRS are wary of donor sponsorships and benefits given in exchange for donations. To avoid complications, please refrain from using the word “sponsorship” and from offering “perks or benefits,” including tickets to events, etc. Most donors won’t care. Instead, ask firms to “Support the activities of Berkeley Law’s XXXXXX student organization or journal.” You can still have suggested giving levels (Bronze, Gold, etc.) Don’t narrow the focus of the ask, the gift cannot be more restrictive than the fund it is held in.
Here is an example of acceptable language: “We could not publish intersectional feminist scholarship without you. Become a donor and help us push the legal field and the world towards greater justice and equality. We are grateful for any support, no matter the size. Here are some suggested donation amounts: Lavender Menace: $5,000; California Gold: $2,500; etc.”