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Student Journals: Business | Finance

Business and Finance information for Journals

Journal Administration:  services provided for Administrative and Business needs

Journal funds: descriptions of your journal's university-held funds and external checking accounts

Allowable purchases:  what can and cannot be paid for using your university funds

Services:  what you need to know before securing services (IMPORTANT POLICY INFORMATION)

Purchasing + Reimbursements:  general information on how to purchase food, office supplies, goods and services

Swag:  how to go about ordering apparel or journal swag for your members

Office Supplies:  how to order supplies without paying out-of-pocket

Photocopying:  how to get copies made on campus and off

Travel Information:  information on travel policy, planning, and reimbursement

Editorial Retreats information to assist you in planning an editorial retreat

Symposium and Event Planning:  information and resources to assist you with planning Symposium

Fundraising Links | Development & Alumni Relations:  Fundraising information and the Law School's D&AR services for journals

Alternate Funding Sources: Grants and Centers: information on and links to various funding sources

Journal Course Credit:  information on receiving course credit for journal work

Apply for a Tax ID number:  how to apply for a journal Tax ID number for your external checking account

Mail Services how to use campus mail services and where to forward mis-routed mail

Faculty Advisors:  how your faculty advisors can assist you in the journal process