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Student Journals: Scholarship Repository

What is the Scholarship Repository?

Berkeley Law's Online Repository hosts all of the UC Berkeley Law Journals' online content.  Each Journal has a page on the Repository which must be kept up to date with your Journal's current content regardless of whether your journal has an external website. 

Funded by the Law Library, this open-access platform is an important part of publishing as it promotes wider dissemination and easier access to articles, and includes:   Full-text indexing, usage statistics, searchable archives and is search engine optimized.

Your page on the Repository can serve as your journal's website if you do not have an external site.  It can also link to your external site.

Reference librarian Joe Cera, can assist you with managing your journal's page, and keeping your content up to date!

Uploading Content

Journal editors are responsible for making sure new journal content gets uploaded in a timely manner, to ensure your journal's content is up to date.  Most of our 3rd party online content providers pull your content from this site, so unless it is updated, your content on the web will not be either.

Once you have completed your issue send the final pdfs of the issue (articles and frontmatter files) to Maro.  She will be assisting in populating the spreadsheet needed for the upload of your content, and forwarding it to Joe.

BerkeleyLaw Scholarship Repository

 Visit the BerkeleyLaw Scholarship Repository: